
INDEX No. 600~


600. Messages from Mother Earth
601. Ontology
602. In Kyoto
603. At the Kamogawa riverside
604. Messages from Mother Earth
605. A beginning
606. At Yasaka
607. Listening to the new music by Mr. Idaki Shin
608. Holy nourishment
609. Marbling scarf
610. New movement
611. Building a new nation
612. Rapeseed blossoms
613. Energy for building a nation
614. Era of life
615. Together with a Great Being
616. New buds
617. Beautiful spring day
618. Building a nation
619. Messages from Mother Earth
620. Great Being
621. Idaki style
622. Culture
623. Vertical axis of history
624. In Tokyo
625. Winds
626. Future
627. May
628. Improvising poems
629. Idaki counseling courses
630. Wind in May
631. To Kyoto
632. At Yasaka
633. A day of opening good luck
634. Video lecture series
635. The truth
636. My deepest wishes
637. Creativity
638. Thank you very much
639. Legends of the world
640. Yellow attache case
641. Legends of the world
642. Poem
643. My dear princess
644. The Legends of Koguryo Redisdcovered
645. Legends of the World
646. In Kyoto
647. To Iran
648. In Dubai
649. In Iran
650. In Teheran
651. Raze Rey
652. Simultaneous movements
653. The Idaki Shin concert in Iran
654. The Legends of Koguryo Rediscovered concert in Iran
655. The Legends of the World
656. Father of Koguryo
657. Blue dragon
658. Landscape in June
659. The Yasaka tower
660. In Kanazawa
661. At an ancient tomb in Kaga
662. A night for building a new country
663. A new life
664. The sky at Yasaka
665. Winds blowing around Yasaka
666. At the tomb of king Jakou
667. Komasui glass art piece
668. In Munich
669. In Georgia
670. In Georgia
671. Peace
672. Tear drops of God
673. Kyoto concert
674. New spirituality
675. Idaki Shin concert
676. The Idaki Shin concert in Kyoto
677. Messages from Mother Earth
678. Opening ceremony
679. Special days
680. In a new era
681. Moon night
682. The truth
683. The Legends of Koguryo Rediscovered concert in Kyoto
684. Aroma of summer
685. The Legends of Koguryo Rediscovered
686. The Idaki counseling courses change the world
687. To wake up after two thousand years of fast sleep
688. An eternal banquet
689. Father of human beings
690. The unforgettable concert, the Legends of Koguryo Rediscovered. A person in my dream has appeared before us
691. The sky of freedom
692. Beauty
693. Human understanding
694. Awakening to the truth
695. Video screening of the Legends of Koguryo Rediscovered concert in Kyoto
696. Gion festival
697. Shin
698. Landscape
699. The Yasaka tower