Home> Messages from Keiko Koma(2024/4/14)

Messages from Keiko Koma

14th Apr. 2024 / in Tokyo

Today, we held Master Idaki Shin’s monthly Entrepreneur Salon. We consider this day the start of the month, so it’s an essential lecture. Master Idaki Shin takes on things happening across the world and gives expressions for solutions. I was moved to see vividly in figures today that his words are truly a language of solution. Innately, I see people’s figures in voices and hear sounds in their words. Master Idaki Shin’s words are absolutely apt without redundancy, separate right from wrong, and purify and cleanse for resolution. I listened with deep emotion to how splendid his expressions were. By listening, I became sorted out in my interior, both on my body’s surface, and inside my head. Then, I became filled with clarity, and as he mentioned in his lecture, I experienced a shower of cosmic energy through love. When your body is beautiful and filled with love, your life receives and mingles with abundant guidance. A human being lives for love. Master Idaki Shin has conveyed throughout the years that “love” is the center of IDAKI. Especially in this era, we can create the future of humanity by living for love. Thank you for the wonderful and moving Entrepreneur Salon.