The Idaki Counseling Courses have been held over thirty years and their method was created by Master Idaki Shin at the age of 35 when he came to find a way to express through music, a dimension of life that has never been clarified whether by any conventional academic approaches or by verbalization. While his concert has been organized in many parts of the world and widely appreciated as a special music encouraging people to live a better life, exercising creativity, and enjoying the true state of health of mind and body, this course is the source and essentials of his performance on stage.
Basic Approach
Mr. Idaki Shin determined that the state of being of a man from when one is in the abdomen of one's mother to one's infancy determines the majority of phenomena occurring at present around one. What one considers impossible, a possible tendency to guard yourself too much against a certain type of situation, what one believe to be one’ s positive features, etc., are more often than not linked directly to the patterns formed during this early period of one’ s life.
A newly born life
Love, Health and Creativity
During pregnancy and infancy
Affected by negative factors formed out of one’ s ancestors, parents, social environment, mode and collective
consciousness of one’ s era, etc.
These factors determine one’ s personality, character, destiny, constitutions and condition of health.
Who you are now
Heavily dominated by outer environment such as daily work, family relationship, image made of oneself, etc. They are
preventing one from discovering one’ s true nature and from exercising one’ s full ability.
Idaki Counseling Course
Liberated from negative factors and influences
through experience of acknowledgement and reception.
To understand the true meaning of love.