Home> Messages from Keiko Koma(2024/4/13)

Messages from Keiko Koma

13th Apr. 2024 / in Tokyo

Dogwood flowers at the entrance of my house were in bloom. The streets were tinted with pink again today, and I drove through dancing cherry blossom petals. The brilliance of new buds jumps into my heart like new water flows. A fresh breeze blows as if my life were washed by clear water. A pleasant season has come. Like life in nature, always reborn anew, I hope to live being reborn every day. It makes me happy that when I start to sort out the past and unnecessary things inside me, my sensibility grows richer and sharper. I’m moved to find how much I can change by facing myself head-on. Heading toward our concert on April 19th, I want to clear the past and clear unnecessary things inside to be there with a beautiful interior. I feel the time has come to sweep away everything this year. Facing my interior and living my true self every day has become a top priority in life. Though life should be lived this way naturally, social conditions make us put off what is most important. I have always felt this is not a society where humans can live, but I’m grateful that we can now create a field where we live to show our true selves. So, I express my authentic self every day. Thank you very much.