Home> Messages from Keiko Koma(2024/4/10)

Messages from Keiko Koma

10th Apr. 2024 / in Sendai

The wind in Sendai was cold. Impacted by the chill, but not only from the coldness of the weather, I had a distressful night, as my body ached and was attacked by an invisible energy. I contacted Master Idaki Shin and was released from that state, which filled me with a strong desire to overcome anything. I deeply felt the need to live more strongly, beautifully and wisely, and gained strength to move forward. The pain inflicted on me allows me to see that now is a great turning point in history. I want to keep moving and overcome suffering to generate moves to build a new era. People taking refuge from Ukraine came to Sendai and cooked Ukrainian cuisine for us. They baked apple pies today. Getting to know different cultures while interacting with people from other countries fills me with more energy to build peace. The experience of connecting in our hearts, though we don’t understand each other through language, gives me joy and strength to live. Thank you for this precious experience.