Home> Messages from Keiko Koma(2024/4/7)

Messages from Keiko Koma

7th Apr. 2024 / in Tokyo

It’s the third day of the IDAKI Counseling Course. Since the participants were liberated from their fates yesterday, the world we live in and its dimensions have changed. Today, I woke up refreshed, released from suffering caused by carrying burdens yesterday. Breathing in new air, feeling life’s vitality while living in a new dimension, I had a refreshing day. Blossoms were in full bloom in a familiar street lined with cherry trees; it was a beautiful sight. When I parked my car as I do every year to take photos, I reflected on life. I took this road when my parents, my elder brother, and someone I cherish were in difficult conditions; I drove through it when they passed away, too. It has always been with me—in times of joy and sadness. This year, the expression “a true spring” comes out from within. I joyfully watched the cherry blossoms, sensing the beginning of every person revealing and realizing one’s innate abilities and qualities in the world. Also, I’m grateful for the opportunity clearly to understand from experience that space and the world have changed. When I dyed leather in marbling patterns, a new world appeared. I’m so grateful that I could experience and understand the shift in dimension by expression and creating artwork . Living a new life every day is a joy. Tomorrow, I will go to Sendai. I’m sincerely grateful for my life in which I can understand love, which Master Idaki Shin has continuously conveyed, live for love, and realize love. Thank you very much.