Idaki Shin Profile
In 1971 he began a professional career as a specialist in social welfare. For a period of 8 years he worked in one of the most advanced homes for the aged in Tokyo, where he planned and implemented a new life-care system. This provided the basis for various official services and facilities that can be seen in operation today.
From around the age of 20, he pursued studies into the fundamental questions of human life, such as what is the true meaning of health, and how one can liberate oneself from burdens and exercise
one's own creativity, etc. At the age of 35, he discovered a way to recover the original function of life common to all human beings. At a later stage of his unique investigation, he discovered how to do this through piano improvisation, and has given 1221 concerts throughout Japan and various countries as of Jun. 2020. These have provided audiences the opportunity to experience the immanent beauty of life and to regain the vitality to pave a way for the future.
Idaki Shin; Main concert record
1993; Arlene Schnitzer Hall, Portland, Oregon, USA
1994; Nippon Budokan, Tokyo / Carnegie Hall, New York
1995; 21 charity concerts in Japan for the Great Hanshin Earthquake
1996; Cathedral of Santiago de Compostela, Spain
1997; Duomo of Monreale, Teatro Massimo, Sicily, Italy
1998; KBS Hall,Seoul / Herodes Atticus Odeum at the Acropolis, Athens
1999; Blue Hall of Stockholm City Hall,Stockholm Concert Hall, Sweden /
Arctic Cathedral in Tromso, Norway
2001; Meskel Square, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia in Nov.
2002; Theran, Iran in Feb.
2003; Kumano Hongu-Taisya, Japan; Mnazi Mmoja ground, Tanzania
2004; Sannai-Maruyama site, Aomori, Japan in July / Persepolis, Iran in Oct.
2005; Aug. “Legends of Koguryo Rediscovered” concert in Tyre, Lebanon
2006; Sep. “Legends of Koguryo Rediscovered” concert in Veliko-Turnovo, Bulgaria,
Nov. “Peace Message” concert at Saadabad Palace in Tehran, Iran
2007; May Damascus, Syria / June Veliko Turnovo, Bulgaria / Giurgiu, Romania /
Ohrid and Bitola, Macedonia / Jerash, Jordan / Beijing, China. (“Legends of Koguryo Rediscovered”
Concert Tour at all places and Idaki Shin Concert at Ohrid and Bitola)
2008; Oct. “Legends of Koguryo Rediscovered” concert at the Republic Square at Yerevan, Armenia
In Nov. and Dec. four poem reading concerts in Lebanon
2009; In July “Legends of Koguryo Rediscovered” concert in Tyre, Lebanon and Moscow, Russia
2010; in May, Idaki Shin concert and “Legends of Koguryo Rediscovered” Concert
at Vahdat Hall in Tehran, Iran. In Oct. “Legends of Koguryo Rediscovered” concert
at the Metekhi church in Tbilisi Georgia and Green Theater at Baku, Azerbaijan.
2011 and 2012; Many Idaki Shin Northeastern Japan disaster charity concerts.
2012; In Nov. Idaki Shin concert in a special stage in Delhi and
in Dec. “Legends of Koguryo Rediscovered” Concert at Pulana Quila, in Delhi, India.
2013; In Oct. Idaki Shin concert and “Legends of Koguryo Rediscovered” Concert in Gujarat, India.
2019; Idaki Shin Concert at MAISON DU JAPON, Cité Internationale Universitaire de Paris.
Primorskaya Region Philharmonic Theater in Vladivostok, Russia.
*Tadamitsu Saito changed his artist name to “Idaki Shin” from the concert held in Ethiopia, and is now actively performing throughout the world.