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Home> Messages from Keiko Koma(2019/10/14)
Messages from Keiko Koma
14th Oct. 2019

Before the entrepreneur course every month, I hold a meeting with our volunteers who gather from across Japan. At the meeting today, after I returned to Japan, I felt deeply from our conversations that the only answer is to pave the way by expressing my life’s demands as they emerge and move accordingly. I’m grateful that we can build a path by expressing ourselves. I wish to go through a great transformation so that I can work towards realizing peace. When we change, our surrounding environment changes. I will commit to changing myself. In the entrepreneur course, I could comprehend Master Idaki Shin’s lecture. By understanding it, I can break free from my old state. When an improperly working head surfaces, I get distracted by unimportant things. I swore in my heart that I would work hard so that such a head does not appear. Human life is connected with all lives. I see that by working hard, I can create the future and head for peace, which I find is joyous and meaningful. I live wishing to realize peace in this world. I live determined to achieve it. As the way to resolution is visible to my eyes, I believe that continuing to take action is the answer. What I need to commit my life to is to hold Master Idaki Shin’s concert as many times as possible to create opportunities for people to encounter him in their lives. Focusing deep inside, I tune in to the core to keep moving forward. Thank you very much.