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Home> Messages from Keiko Koma(2019/10/6)
Messages from Keiko Koma
6th Oct. 2019

I can’t help but think what other time is more suitable for taking action than now. I rejoice to keep expressing myself and sending messages to spread our energies to the world. To my eyes, nothing is blocking this era, and the expression of light reaches across the world instantly. I see that the expression of our deepest demands is light. By expressing my innermost commands, the true voice of my life, to spread its energy to the world, I will pave the way for realizing world peace. When the hearts of people across the world who truly wish for peace connect, waves of peace will emerge and spread. It is time for us to keep expressing ourselves to come across many encounters with people to achieve peace.
I will take off for Vladivostok tomorrow. I went there for the first time in February this year, in the depths of winter. It was a journey to find my compatriots separated 1300 years ago. As the sky turned from dusk to night, we were on our way from the airport to the hotel. Dark and vast with nothing in sight, I felt its cold and dark. Light of the harbor observed from the hotel window was desolate, and I thought about my ancestors who had migrated to this land, desolate to this day, 1300 years ago. I shed tears. As Koguryo and Vladivostok were then connected by land, I imagine that they kept walking the land route. On the other hand, the sea route to Japan was something that posed a risk to their lives. Surviving the life-threatening route, my ancestors reached the land of Japan. Born their descendant, I encountered Master Idaki Shin. The history of Koguryo was unraveled and liberated by him, the souls of Koguryo revived, and I could finally go to the land of my separated compatriots. Holding Master Idaki Shin’s concert in Vladivostok is a realization of our earnest wish. I’m deeply touched. To hold the concert successfully and to be at the concert safely, I will stay rich and beautiful inside. Thank you very much.