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Home> Messages from Keiko Koma(2019/9/30)
Messages from Keiko Koma
30th Sep. 2019

As I entered my atelier in Tokyo, a photo of Mt. Gojo in autumn jumped into my heart―beautiful scenery of the mountain in autumn colors. Leaves start to tint, trees and mountains turn beautifully colored around this time. I imagine a beautiful homeland wafting a rich aroma―an autumn landscape of my dear homeland. The presence of Mt. Gojo is always in my heart. Yearning for Asia to become one and the world to become peaceful, I live wishing to realize my dream. I met many Asian people at my exhibition in Paris. I deeply understood that Asia is one. I felt close to them like family. From the experience of the communion of life, one that is irrelevant to any conflicts we hear in the news, I found true hope and wept. When I connected in my heart with people from Africa and Europe, though I felt something different from Asian people, I experienced that our lives were one and shed tears. When our lives interact and unify, I become filled with indescribable joy and love. All human lives are one. More than anything, I’m delighted and grateful to have experienced that the communion of our lives builds a peaceful world. I will move earnestly to realize peace.
I head for the pivotal concert of “Legends of Koguryo Rediscovered” to be held at Mitaka City Public Hall on October 1st. I live to be a human unified with Great Being. Thank you very much.