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Home> Messages from Keiko Koma(2019/9/29)
Messages from Keiko Koma
29th Sep. 2019

In places such as roadsides and the entrance of Keiko Koma Skyrocket Center, I found red spider lilies and greeted them. Their appearances tell of the arrival of autumn. Thinking about Mt. Gojo at the time of King Tomei’s death, I imagine Koguryo people back then who lost their central figure. I feel the souls of the people who wished to live together forever with their king beyond his death. And even now, the souls of Koguryo people still live, and the pillar of their spirit stands in my center. In the basement of Skyrocket Center where a “Koma” signboard is installed, the spirit of Koguryo also stands as a pillar connected to the vast universe. Where there is a spirit, humans can live as humans. Returning from Paris, I greeted the “Koma” signboard. Though we may be in different places, our souls are unified. Clearly the souls were with me during my activities in Paris. I rejoiced to see that a path had been lain, a path climbing up the steps on the mountain, for the realization of “the dream of Mt. Gojo.” Perhaps reality is far from it. But I can see things going on in the invisible world, and I will live with the scene in my heart. I will continue to travel around the world to open new markets and to find my compatriots. I build and walk the path realizing our earnest wish.
October 1st is drawing near. In ancient Koguryo, it was a day to celebrate heaven. This year I was led to hold the “Legends of Koguryo Rediscovered” concert at Mitaka City Public Hall in my hometown. It’s nothing ordinary. I grow excited that I can learn its meaning later. My life teaches me that there’s nothing but progress every day to move towards peace. Thinking about moving forward and taking steps, I live each precious day. Thank you very much.