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Home> Messages from Keiko Koma(2019/9/18)
Messages from Keiko Koma
18th Sep. 2019

photo by Elena Saito

I received photos showing a poster of Master Idaki Shin’s concert to be held in Vladivostok. Seeing it put up in front of the concert hall, I shed tears, feeling the wind of Russia. I felt that many souls were waiting for this time. And among them were many souls of my separated compatriots—the trembling in my heart and tears running down my cheek revealed it. It is a long, long story—of history. The time has finally come. I’m sincerely thankful for the blessing of the opportunity to hold Master Idaki Shin’s concert in a land my separated compatriots migrated to. I live at a time when our earnest wish comes true. Together with numerous souls who lived through a long time when its realization was not possible, I will move to create a human era where our sorrow is never repeated. I listen to the voice of my body every day and write it down on paper. I know very well that I can’t live without expressing and moving towards my determination to realize the earnest wish that continues to exist in my heart. I keep moving forward, at a time when all our earnest wishes will be realized.
I will soon head off to Paris. I search for my compatriots wherever I go. The word “compatriot” in Russian has a meaning of a bond stronger than blood. Hearing it, I wish to encounter many people with such a bond across the world. I once again head to the world. I feel that a future will open up at once if I meet people who can come to our guest house and tea room in Japan. I move seeking encounters—I live. Thank you very much.