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Home> Messages from Keiko Koma(2019/9/13)
Messages from Keiko Koma
13th Sep. 2019

At our atelier on Mt. Hiei, we put the artworks in the kiln and lit a fire in the morning. We made fire on and on, and I saw a world where God is manifested. It is a precious experience when I deeply perceive how people’s self-centered mind is foolish. Yesterday, the person who took us to Yirgachafev village in Ethiopia by car came to visit our Guest house and it reminded me of the hard trip we had. We went through hardship, however, we experienced the most important thing as a human. Human beings cannot live going against the work of nature. I understand that a society that is created for only humans to live in will collapse. We cannot continue to live without regaining the life that lives in unity with nature. Watching the fire that is burning in the kiln today, I corrected myself. I was taught and perceived with my life that human beings will not be able to continue to live without understanding the original function of life.
I painted tapestries at the atelier for the exhibition to be held in Paris. I enjoyed drawing them exactly as I envisioned and I forgot the passage of time. I feel that the era has changed by watching the light-scape I painted. It is an era where Great Being is manifested. Each one of us is able to live, expressing the light of a true self. From the light-scape where the flower of true light is shining brilliantly, like a flower blooming in the vast universe, I realized that the time had come. It is a time when the earnest wish of humans will be achieved and world peace will be realized. Thank you very much.