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Messages from Keiko Koma
2nd Sep. 2019

In my dream, I learned that a human internality is connected to the universe and connected to Great Being. I woke up today, feeling the need to sense deep inside myself in my daily life. Starting the new way of being, I saw a brilliant light-scape while brewing coffee this morning. The day started in happiness. When I thought about the reason for my occasional anxiety, I realized that it happened at times when I didn’t feel my connection with Great Being, almost as if to ignore it. Clearly seeing that such a time is when I’m pressed for time and manipulated by time, I decided to stop such a habit. Because I have taken the Idaki counseling course, I was sincerely thankful that I could stop when I wanted to. Our internal conditions create our outer environment. Things that occur and any results come from myself—it’s something I contemplated today. I felt the need deeply to understand that when my internality is rich and beautiful, it invites good luck and abundant influences. As a start, I acknowledged myself as I am. I needed to change. And just as I acknowledged myself, I could break free from my old self to change into a new state. Feeling deep inside myself today, I thought about living unified with Great Being. Though there may be discord among people and piles of problems, I was very grateful to feel happy when my heart was filled with richness. I wish to tell people across the world about this mechanism as quickly as I can. It’s something I will do.