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Home> Messages from Keiko Koma(2019/8/4)
Messages from Keiko Koma
4th Aug. 2019

Today I held a "Suika (watermelon) Salon" gathering at Café Komaya Tokyo. I wrote about it in my post on Keiko Koma Web Salon. I also received delicious peaches from Fukushima that grew listening to the sound of Master Idaki Shin. Their pureness refreshed and cleansed my whole body. Deeply moved, I also wrote about it. When I was writing an email to our volunteers about the Suika Salon, I laughed to myself, feeling that "watermelon" was some kind of code. I foresaw that those who could decode it would gather. We naturally talked about watermelon and peaches, and I remembered the opening time of Keiko Koma Skyrocket Center. In the daytime I had posted on the Web Salon how delicious corn from Aomori was. And at nighttime, out of nowhere, I uploaded a message titled “Nation-founding.” It was to announce the opening of the Skyrocket Center. During the day I did not know when I could open it. But as if to tear the sky, lightning flashed and thunder roared in a downpour—it was no ordinary time. At that moment, a true demand of my life was born; I knew we had to move the golden "Koma" signboard from the third floor of the building to its basement. It had to be that instant or there would not have been another chance. Risking our lives, our staff and I carried the signboard with the calligraphy of "Koma" written by Master Idaki Shin. The moment the signboard was installed, I yelled out, “Nation-founding! Tomorrow is the opening day.” Many volunteer staff were astonished to find that the subject in the Web Salon shifted from corn to an announcement about the center’s opening in the tone of a declaration of nation founding. The next day many people rushed to the center, unable to hide their excitement at the surprise and joy. The story was not something I planned. It was how things turned out by expressing the deepest demands of my life, one after another. Today I laughed to myself when I wrote the words Suika Salon. I wrote them down exactly as I saw them. I grew excited, knowing that it is at such a time when I leap to head towards something big. When I do something as I see it, when I express something as it is born, I move forward on a big dream, filled with vigor. A life naturally heads towards the future. What will tomorrow bring? I sincerely wish to pave the way for peace at once. And I will continue to express what I truly wish for and carry out my activities. Thank you very much.