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Home> Messages from Keiko Koma(2019/7/29)
Messages from Keiko Koma
29th Jul. 2019

As I opened the window today, I felt a presence and looked over to find Komagatake mountain once more. Sensing the gaze of the mountain on me, I greeted it at the start of the new day. When the dark of the night gave way to dawn, gradually brightening up the world, the mountain showed its existence again; I felt the presence of souls that are always with me. I encountered Master Idaki Shin, representing all my ancestors. It is a life to realize our earnest wish. I aim to make progress daily to live authentically as a human being. Today the flow of time had totally changed. Time passed by like a stream. The day had ended before I knew it, but it was filled with excitement and hope for the future. When people from across Japan come to our Tohoku center for a conversational gathering, I have many realizations. By verbalizing myself, I become aware of my mistakes. Expressing ourselves enables us to move forward. We naturally notice any redundancy and error. The direction of my life is nation-building. When each of us lives in happiness, a good environment is created. At a time of crisis like the present, I know that living with a rich internality is the answer to all problems. I spent a heart-enriching day again. Thank you very much.