7 Keiko Koma Selection
Home> Messages from Keiko Koma(2019/7/22)
Messages from Keiko Koma
22nd Jul. 2019

I held a commemorative lecture event at Day Service Koga (a day-care center for the elderly) newly opened by the president of Koma Keiko Shakuyaku no Kai Kochi (“peony” club). In heavy rain, I crossed the Awaji Bridge to enter Shikoku island. I was surprised to find many places with names related to my ancestors in Shikoku, where I seldom visit. With a feeling of wonder, I began to contemplate why I was there. One thing I do know is that by visiting various places across Japan, I am involved in a movement to build the country’s future. I had a pleasant journey today, coming across things that I didn’t know before. When I entered Kochi Prefecture, I felt an air of nostalgia. I used to go there every month at the start of Idaki. Though I visited the place many times, my ties ended, and I stopped going. And then another occasion came up, but it ended again. This time around was my third time. I sensed a strong tie to the area. When I arrived at the day-care center, in a land familiar to me, it was as though I was at one of my own bases. I instantly began to rearrange the curtains hanging on the windows. I placed them in an order that told a certain story. The newly manifested space was filled with hope for the future. My heart was purified in the space of marbling curtains, from which I felt the presence of God. Anything covering or clouding my inside was dissolved into space. And Master Idaki Shin’s sound resonated at the center as if to echo to heaven. I rejoiced that such a space is where an authentic human lives. My life became filled with light. I felt that the place would truly serve people who gather there if they can experience such a moment. My heart was brilliantly shining with joy and hope. After the lecture, I was delighted to see the brilliance of women who enjoyed their time putting on some of my artworks. I saw a new world would spread. A new movement has begun. Thank you very much.