7 Keiko Koma Selection
Home> Messages from Keiko Koma(2019/7/21)
Messages from Keiko Koma
21st Jul. 2019

I have been sensing threatening energy signaling an imminent crisis in the world. Although nervous, I started the day determined to live beautifully with my internality connected to the universe in order to be unified with energy in averting the crisis and overcoming the current situation. In Kyoto, Master Idaki Shin’s lectures “Ontology” and “On Death” were held. I had an awakening moment before regarding death, from which I was reborn. From then on, I have deepened my understanding about things such as myself, humanity, the world. I live wishing to realize world peace as soon as possible. Heading towards resolutions to the problems of this world, I earnestly think about how I should spend my day, and act accordingly. The lectures today showed that, although invisible, things were indeed moving forward. At the end of the lectures, Master Idaki Shin talked about keeping good posture to live beautifully. I know that a good posture brings light from far beyond into myself. Without becoming disturbed by the threatening energy, I will devote myself to live unified with Great Being. I intend to train myself daily to move beautifully without an unguarded moment. Thank you very much.