Home> Messages from Keiko Koma(2018/7/14)
Messages from Keiko Koma
14th Jul. 2018

I felt a wind blow through as the scenery of mountains and fields jumped into my heart, the lush green nature shining brilliantly in the strong summer sunshine. The brilliance of the greenery revived within me the warmth of living together with my family during my childhood years. I felt that I could live happily anywhere as long as I lived unified and getting along with those around me. It is painful to see the current situation in the world where people are divided and disconnected from each other’s lives. However, those of us who have taken the Idaki counseling course have been experiencing lives unified with the lives of others. I have never forgotten nor given up on the hope that when the connection of lives spreads across the world, the world will become peaceful. My life is one unified with eternal souls from the past. I well understand that human life does not end with death. At the present time when anything could happen anywhere, living unified in our hearts is the way to protect our lives. Love, the connection of our lives, that we experience in Master Idaki Shin’s concert, is pivotal to our lives. I sincerely hope that love will spread across the world and connect everyone’s life. I dedicate myself to living beautifully in a space that is turning clearer every day, so that the energy of the beautiful internality may diffuse to the world. The brilliance of the beautiful fields and greenery is shining in my heart. Unified with lives of nature, I wish to keep on creating a world where everyone’s life shines brilliantly.