Home> Messages from Keiko Koma(2018/4/18)
Messages from Keiko Koma
18th Apr. 2018

I am truly grateful that I will be able to gather with everyone on the 19th of April. It is a day that no human being should forget. I feel truly honored and thankful to be able to experience Master Idaki Shin's concert together with those I have met and listen to the precious messages from Great Being through Master Idaki Shin's improvisational piano. My deepest wish to change a society where beautiful lives are sacrificed is at the core of my life. When I go back to my deepest feeling, I am able to move forward with no fear, willing to face any situation. I gain strength to follow through no matter what happens. Now that Great Being has been manifested, my deepest authentic wish has been manifested, and I will devote myself to realizing it. I will not waver from my feeling of wishing to create a world where beautiful lives can live as they are, by realizing the truth under any circumstances. Now is the time of realization, moving forward by living to the fullest of our abilities.

The feelings deep inside my heart could not be told.
Embraced by Great Being.
Now I can live.
Sorrow of history.
Sorrow of being torn apart.
Living in unity with Great Being.
It would be rewarded.
A beautiful life.
A beautiful soul.