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24 July  2009

Sea of Lebanon

Endless blue sky made me recall my first visit to Lebanon, when I arrived on the 31st of August and spent only one night. A sun beam was very strong, as today, and I was extremely excited at everything I saw. The blue sea was as brilliant and transparent as I have ever seen. I felt great encouragement to move ahead for realizing global peace. Since then nine years have passed and I have visited Lebanon many times. I had many stories to tell and indeed Lebanon was a country very familiar to me. Traces from past gun fire were still visible on many buildings, however, the sea was shining brilliantly. Pleasant breezes were always blowing around and there were always a lot of noises in the streets. Amazingly the sea of Lebanon remains unchanged as I thought about the fragile life of people here. It also seemed to have been waiting for the arrival of new era. My heart was eased. 
I traced back my ancestor’s history and encountered the land of Phoenicia, and through an encounter with Mr. Idaki Shin, its souls were resurrected and started to live an eternal life in the world three stages before the Big Bang..