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19 July  2009


Today I presented my photos with special hand-made frames to people who had made donations to NPO KOMA to raise fund for the coming Legends of Koguryo Rediscovered concerts in Lebanon and Moscow. Each has selected one that appealed to one’s heart, and I wrote down in calligraphy what I envisioned as a message from one’s heart animated by the winds, lights and aroma of my photo. I realized how deeply each was cherishing our activities and one’s deepest wish for realizing a truly peaceful world. I felt greatly obliged. Many of them were shedding tears as I started writing on colorful Japanese traditional paper. When I looked at a display of all the photos I felt as if they were pieces of a soul that made great fortifications as in ancient Koguryo. I realized that now we were ready to give concerts under the theme of creating new legends of the world.