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8 July  2009

Wind, water and a great being

DSCF4040.JPGToday Mr. Idaki Shin gave my favorite lecture on ontology. As I have been talking more  about the world of souls, I was very happy that today’s theme coincided very well with my experiences. While I usually considered winds as voices and messages of souls, and the aroma of water as purifying energy for a human heart, he explained to us that the world of souls was eternal and its original meaning was associated with water, while spirituality was derived from the idea of winds. Today’s lecture made me really vigorous and after this precious event, I went to the Skyrocket center in order to install my new art works for the newly opened Keiko Koma web-TV studio. A curtain I created with my mind-scape drawing made me smile as it represented my joy animated by pleasant breezes. The Idaki Shin photo exhibition held on the second floor was full of a pure aroma of water and wind. Every visitor to his exhibition and his Koma calligraphy in the basement would realize supreme happiness and the presence of a great divine being. Therefore the Skyrocket center was a special space allowing people to become truly creative, acknowledge many new ideas in one’s work, and encounter one’s true nature, through the experiences of encountering holy winds, water and great beings. Looking at my new art works, curtain and art tables, I could imagine a fantastic world from ancient times or from an unknown remote future. All my works were glittering and they looked as if they wished to fly freely over the space. Another touch of wind made me pay attention to the beauty of my newly created table that greeted me saying “hello”, so I smiled at it and said also “hello”. I felt that this table would be of service to me for a long period of time when  filming my programs. Today’s skyrocket center was full of hope and winds of joy that invited us to a glorious future. 

Life of liberty
Living in a world of nothingness and eternity.
Winds were talking about the joy of life and a glorious future
We started living together shining in the eternal world 

In ancient times, blown by Russian breezes 
People endured long cold winters and cheerfully welcomed the aroma of spring 
In the afternoon, touched by spring winds, 
The aroma of water made me have a wonderful dream   
I still remember vividly how our ancestors spent a beautiful time
over coffee around one big table. 
As spring light was always gentle and beautiful.
We talked about our future dreams full of the light of hope
That was being realized right now. 
And we are talking to each other about our lives. 
I am looking forward to seeing you at the Keiko Koma Skyrocket center.