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2 July  2009

Light-scape of my life

DSCF3830.JPGAfter my  lecture event yesterday, the internal vision of my life was composed of multi-dimensional cubes that have been rolling towards a vast universe. I called this a dynamism from one center to the other as I recalled another vision I had when I visited the ruins of the Ebra kingdom in Syria in March 2007 and received a message that the primordial will was manifesting from the world before the Big Bang. I felt as if I were struck by a tremendous energy with cosmic winds. Later, one day Mr. Idaki Shin made for me a drawing that looked like representing the same image, connecting one center to the other so that I hailed my voice with joy at first sight. I also recalled an Idaki Shin concert held at Budo-kan Hall in September 1994 entitled “Cosmic Trees” with subtitles that an unknown remote center was about to meet a vigorous center of the future. This concert was designed to integrate Heaven and Earth as in the legendary tree that was nourished by energy of Mother Earth and stretched towards a vast space, which provided an image of the center of life and the universe. While modern people have lost their bearing, regaining the center of life as symbolized in the legends of cosmic trees was the most urgent and precious thing in our society and was the holy light common to every body on earth to shine at present and in future. I might as well say that in the invisible spiritual world Idaki activities were the very work of cosmic trees and each one’s core of life was developing like a cosmic sphere.