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21 June  2009

My deepest wishes

Today I went to Shinjuku looking for frames for my new art works. Since I came back to Japan from Iran, I have been busy giving my lectures and a Messages from Mother Earth concert that made the hall fill with vigor and every spectator look brilliant. So once I went out in the streets I was surprised by people’s darkness and negative energies. Everything looked grey. However I felt that at the core of life every body was sensing that something new was happening in Japan as wherever we went we were attentively watched by passengers by and shop staff. Usually I was very quick in choosing items to buy. I could envision the internal energy of merchandise. All I did was follow internal light. However, this time I could not find anything that attracted me as everything looked overshadowed by a grey atmosphere. All of a sudden an idea came into my mind that I could manufacture by myself what I wanted. Then I left a shop and felt joyfully liberated from the grey world. I acknowledged also that only activities that were leading to a peaceful good society could survive, and things that did not contribute to future generations had no meaning. The deepest wishes of a person should be always connected to this criterion, otherwise mere personal desire. When one was living a life true to one’s deepest wishes, every creature and energy of lives would cooperate together with a view to open up the future of mankind. Not to mention that the world three stages before the Big Bang, the eternal home of human life, was wide open, so one could achieve miraculous things. Through Idaki activities we have been tackling radical problems of human beings that have been negatively inherited by generation after generation. Our activities were indeed indispensable for the future of human kind. This was the reason why we looked different and always remain vigorous. .