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15 June  2009

Keiko Koma selection

I have always been grateful to my life. Though sometimes troubles happened that prevented me from achieving my goal as I had expected, they were always precious messages for me to correct something within myself or to plan another better way. So every process has turned out to be guided by something above human ability and in the end I could achieve greater success than I could ever imagine. Things necessary to pave the way for global peace were indeed full of luck. As I have experienced the Idaki Shin counseling courses I know that discovering the original light of life at one’s core is the key to realize a truly happy life. My art works under the brand name of Keiko Koma selection were designed to share with everybody I met an idea that one’s life and future would be full of luck when one’s internality continued shining brilliantly. When I presented one to our partners abroad, they became extremely happy and we could get along very well. In Iran many people were endeavoring to get permission to hold our concert again at Persepolis. Many people said how miraculously we had realized it the first time as there were huge obstacles. In normal circumstances nobody would dare to apply for it as it looked absolutely impossible. This time he talked about his mystical experiences in Iran that were really extraordinary things to happen in his life. He said in the invisible divine world, that there seemed to have existed an arrangement to realize our concert. Only when people now alive and powers of an unknown great being would cooperate together, could we achieve miraculous things. When one was living a rich life in one’s internality one would be guided by light coming from the future and pave the way for global peace.