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6 June  2009

After long flight, arrived in St. Petersburg

After a long flight we arrived in Munich and then we continued our trip to St. Petersburg and arrived there after midnight. Meanwhile, I have experienced that as soon as I was influenced by consciousness of people around me dark energies came to overwhelm me but when I tuned my consciousness to the world three stages before the Big Bang, a world of light illuminated them and they faded away. I realized that a person could live a marvelous life shining brilliantly by receiving the power of light coming from the great being of the universe.  Seen from the eternal world such a person would become a poll of light on earth connecting people to the world three stages before the Big Bang. When more and more people would start living their lives in this manner, the world of glorious light would be realized. Light was the ultimate home of every human being. I wished that everybody would realize enormous richness within one’s internality and pave the way for creating a new world.