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31 May  2009


At today’s Café Akira salon gathering, I had a chance to watch two videos from our visit to Koguryo’s historic places in China. One was filmed and edited by Mr. Idaki Shin and the other by our staff member Mr. Kishimoto. Everybody was extremely happy and excited at the beautiful scenery. This state of unanimous happiness was surely leading to the realization of my vision, the dream of Mt. Gojo. I was grateful to my wonderful life. Owing to precious experiences I had during this visit, I learned how to realize our dreams. As long as my dream remained as a mere dream, it would never come true. When Mr. Idaki Shin said we would climb Mt. Wandu, I had strongly resisted under the excuse that I was not prepared. I wised to get there within my life time but not now as the mountain was said to be very harsh and difficult to climb for an untrained person. But in reality I was not alone. I felt the presence of kings Tomei and Kotai who have always supported me and I did not face any difficulty climbing and walking there all day long. 
This was what Mr. Idaki Shin predicted in advance would happen, however, as yet, I could not believe I could really make it. When I touched the stones of Koguryo’s pyramid, I realized that eternal spirituality had built the dynasty and opened up a good society for everybody and every coming generation. The basis of one nation was indeed eternal spirituality that led people to a future. When people have forgotten about it their nation is lost. I was determined to live with the eternal spirituality for realizing global peace. .