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30 May  2009

Light and winds in the color of happiness

Video filmed by Mr. Idaki Shin during our trip to Koguryo’s historic places in China, Wandu castle city, and Mt. Gojo, etc., made me feel as if I were living there though I had returned to Japan. Though I have been there several times, I could experience something very special and different from previous visits. The homeland of Koguryo has obviously changed as the world three stages before the big Bang has been manifested everywhere. Even a tiny flower by a country road and rocks of a mountain blown by winds looked extremely dynamic and beautiful. Everything manifested its cosmic nature. Only modern people’s narrow mind seemed strange and meaningless. Achievements by ancient Koguryo people were really marvelous and great. I realized that any human being could exercise tremendous positive influence all over the world if one started living a truly human life. In this respect Koguryo’s heritages should be appreciated properly by everybody on earth. They were far beyond an example of one period of history and the culture of one nation, but the revelation of what human life could achieve.  I was grateful to Mr. Idaki Shin and for the opportunity of holding the Legends of Koguryo Rediscovered concert that made it possible to express this artistically by way of video, music and my poetic narrations. The truth has indeed been manifested after the world three stages before the Big Bang became wide open to us. I felt closely that before long everybody would realize this cosmic transformation in our world. This visit made me acknowledge many essential things about human nature and my life. I used to react rather nervously to negative incidents in my life, however, after realizing the potentials of human life, I could always move ahead by changing anything that might happen around me. Any concerns would invite more negative phenomena. The key to get liberated from them was to keep on changing both oneself and outer situations. Our lives were moving towards the realization of global peace, so we should renew our lives concentrating on achieving this ultimate dream. .