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25 May  2009

Big changes in my life 

I have come back to Japan safely from a journey to Koguryo’s historic sites in China and I have experienced many big changes in my life. I still think over the mechanism whereby I resisted to going up to the top of Wandu mountain though in reality I could greatly enjoy getting there Mr. Idaki Shin told me that something within myself was afraid to go there as some special spots like Wandu castle city had the power to unveil hidden truth. Also oftentimes, one was simply afraid to face a big change in one’s life. And to my surprise my leg started aching one day after the excursion. Mr. Idaki Shin said he envisioned an extremely dark energy and I felt that he was trying to take it away from me. And by around four o’clock in the morning I found myself completely recovered. In our modern society people were ordered to do something under an administrative system, however, standing at Wandu castle city, I acknowledged that in ancient times people collaborated all together with love and joy. They must have been amazingly  dynamic as some tombs were made of stones of over thirty to even fifty tons, which seemed to manifest the eternal nature of noble human spirituality. Koguryo’s historic sites have taught me many important things in my life and I was grateful to be able to renew my life.