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18 May  2009

Life living in the universe

Today there was a lecture on ontology by Mr. Idaki Shin that clarified many essential things about the divinity of our world. Since childhood I asked for answers to my questions; the reason for my existence, why I was born and what would come after death. He said that the consciousness of people in modern society was made to believe in one directional flow of time: past , present and future. However these days I have been experiencing many new incidents that seemed to be free from this. Even tiny living thing seemed to manifest something divine. Trees and flowers were glowing indifferent to human activities. A flow that I discovered today in my garden was a very precious creature that was born in the midst of the vast universe. I thanked it for finding its place in my garden. Every living thing seemed as vigorous as ever. I felt great happiness to be alive. Mr. Idaki Shin’s lecture coincided with these impressions. He told us that no one could identify the true moment of anybody’s birth. At the Idaki Shin counseling courses people were liberated from burdens and negative influences of the past, so one could consider that one’s past was changed and the future was not determined any more by what happened in the past. Because the past was changeable, the future became free. History would not repeat itself any more. He said that in order to discover this mechanism, he had to go back to what he called the world three stages before the Big Bang, obviously the world without time and the ultimate origin of every creature and home of every life. When one would awaken to start living one’s life connected to this primordial world, there would be no death. Light of life would be shining in eternity. As a consequence, expression in words born from this eternal light of life would be realized indifferent to time frames. I was extremely grateful to Mr. Idaki Shin for clarifying what I have asked for and renewed the precious meaning of life after taking the Idaki Shin counseling courses.