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29 Apl  2009

Poem born from my soul

Mountains in fresh herbal green make 
an early spring sky, reflecting its light, 
and an aroma of spring is spreading 
to everybody’s internality. 
Surrounded by a floral aroma, 
each rejoices at the new season 
and peacefully spends day after day 
waiting for the coming Idaki Shin concert. 
Trees are full of vigor to glow 
and flowers are blooming beautifully within people’s minds.
Invited by its fresh aroma of early greening
I see a large sky that bears a reminiscence of ancient times.
Numerous people in the past have been dreaming 
of seeing each other again in the unknown future 
and have entrusted their wishes to the same sky.
Though their life time ended so soon,
their souls survived until everything should be blessed by light.
All of a sudden I found myself in Kyoto 
and acknowledged that every human being 
was wishing to experience tomorrow’s Idaki Shin concert.