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7 Apr. 2010

Creating a future


Twenty seven years have passed since I started Idaki activities, motivated to create a new society and environment that would allow coming generations to live on, and I have been organizing the Idaki Shin concerts, not only in Japan, but globally, as he was capable of receiving negative influences from people in communion with his own life and liberating them through a marvelous improvisational concert. Seen by people in the future, our messages to live an authentic life manifesting one’s true nature would be considered an ordinary thing. Everyday, one by one, the artificial nature of our lives has been disclosed and peeled off, and I realized that the true self has started to uncover itself as a new human era has been provided and we did not need to hide it in order to protect it from outer destructive powers. The coming Idaki Shin concert was the piano and pipe organ improvisational one. While the sound of the piano always resonated at the depth of my life, that of the pipe organ totally purified my body and mind from top to bottom. I could always live a vigorous and positive life as his concert was a precious opportunity for overcoming actual problems. After twenty seven years, I felt that I should renew our activities and was looking forward to experience the precious concert for creating a marvelous future.

A glorious light was coming down to us
From a world far beyond the universe.
As I welcomed it within my life,
I expressed newly born ideas and vigor
That would lead to creating our future