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6 Apr. 2010

A new development


Owing to the monthly Idaki Shin applied counseling courses held in Kyoto and Tokyo, obscure energies in the surrounding space and around my life have cleared away, and today I rejoiced from the bottom of my heart acknowledging newly emerging energy and its developments that encouraged me to move on forwards. In Tokyo cherry blossoms have started to bloom and a pink arch of cherry trees along the road to Roppongi made me recall every year a lightscape that showed me the arrival of an era to realize a truly peaceful world for future generations. A sad human history in the past that required the sacrifice of numerous lives was over and now humankind was allowed to manifest its glorious light of life: this was also my strongest will to dedicate myself to realizing this as I knew that the Idaki counseling courses and the Idaki Shin concerts could provide drastic solutions and open up our future. I would do my best to inform as many people as possible about them. The coming Idaki Shin concert in Tokyo was a big hope. It would drastically change the circumstances around us. I was sure that anyone would love to experience his concert as soon as one came to know its meaning. Following advice perpetually suggested by Mr. Idaki Shin, I would joyfully raise a stage of my life and realize the unity of what I expressed in words, what I felt in my internality and what I did in reality. At his concert he expressed every instance through an improvisational concert, the process of receiving influences from all the audience and manifesting the truth. I sincerely wished to share this precious experience with many people.