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5 Apr. 2010

In Tokyo


Today there was a monthly Idaki Shin counseling applied course in Tokyo I was greatly encouraged and became vigorous by listening to the marvelous piano played by Mr. Idaki Shin. Today’s subject about food was revolutionary as he disclosed how we have been accustomed to take away the richest part of food believing that an elegant dish should look neat and have artificially elaborated tastes. I acknowledged that we needed to revise everything seen from what was essential about life. Also he told us that a human being has started to receive messages and influences from the future so we should start living a new life tuned to a wonderful life style to be realized in the future and liberate ourselves from common sense and conventional practices around us: they were fabricated things and did not hold true in the light of the truth of human life. I realized enormous energy coming up from the core of my life and I swore to truly serve future generations.