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3 Apr. 2010

Joy of overcoming problems


With much enthusiasm I have waited for the monthly Idaki Shin applied counseling courses held in Kyoto and by just listening to the piano played by Mr. Idaki Shin, heavy burdens I had suffered till yesterday were removed and nothing remained in my internality. The lecture was full of precious wisdom and I was amazed at each word I heard. The way he naturally talked and posed illustrated every deep meanings. I was greatly moved. I took the opportunity to ask him about the question of ego and its relationship with how we could overcome common sense that I have been thinking over these days. He answered that the way out was to keep on moving and I joyfully agreed with him as a solution I had reached last night was basically the same. I considered that promoting tickets of the Idaki Shin concerts was a precious practice for realizing the nature of humanity as this was an opportunity to acknowledge one’s own shortcomings and correct them as I wished that one did not need to continue living either a negative or an unnecessary life to one’s own nature. When I was fourteen years old I was very sad to have acknowledged that a person was born to inherit negative historic influences that dictated one’s destiny. I desperately hoped that I could be liberated from repeating a pattern of life of people in the past. And I encountered Mr. Idaki Shin who had indeed realized my most cherished dream and liberated me from innate destiny inherited within my life. One should not pass on negative influences to the coming generations and holding and promoting the Idaki Shin concerts for many people was the best way to do so. As I am living a life true to Idaki principles I can always find a way to overcome any difficulties and the older one became the more wonderful became one’s life. Every day I renew my life and am extremely grateful for the presence of Idaki activities.

At Yasaka, Koma gallery Café

The Yasaka tower was washed by rain and
Shining brilliantly in a dark sky.
It expressed a Great Being.
As the truth should shine even in an abyss,
At the center of human life,
Joyfully and gratefully I welcome a new future.