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24 Mar. 2010

At Yasaka, Kyoto eve of the Tokasui fair


It was raining in Kyoto. However, lanterns were lit all along the approach to the Yasaka tower that people called Hanatoji. I decided to make my own version of lanterns that successfully manifested a great being and placed them in front of the Koma gallery Café while we prepared till after midnight for tomorrow’s Tokasui fair. The lucky Zenzai and Bijin Shiruko handmade by Mr. Idaki Shin were really marvelous and pleasantly filled people with supreme happiness. I wished many people would come to taste them as I felt that nobody had ever tasted anything like this. When I had the Kaiun (lucky) Zenzai with my fellows for the first time, all of us shed tears out of unknown great impressions, which sensation was perpetuated in my memory till now. Mr. Idaki Shin kept on making many of them till late at night for tomorrow. So we were quite ready to receive you from the bottom of our heart. The newly installed photos of snow covered Mt. Gojo were shining brilliantly and our staff cheered with their voices appreciating their beauty. Also my new art scarfs using water marbling technique looked very dramatic. They were made and blown dry by winds of Musashino in Tokyo, so for tomorrow I would try some at Yasaka. Water, light, wind and life harmonized to create wonderful patterns.