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19 Mar. 2010

A spring dream


I enjoyed creating new art pieces surrounded by the aroma of a spring dream. I left the windows of my atelier wide open and dropped water color paints to generate dramatic patterns interwoven with water, light and wind. They marvelously corresponded to my idea of life, the great romanticism of history. I did not imagine them beforehand, instead together with my staff we enjoyed their unpredictable nature. Everybody cheered each time I created a new pattern and my atelier was very animated. As I took out each textile with patterns from water and brought one to the veranda for drying, a spring breeze came to dance with it over the space. I envisioned the light-scape of a spring dream. At the Café Akira and the Keiko Koma basement gallery, the same impression was revived in my mind together with a beautiful memory of lucky Zenzai, Koma Shiruko handmade by Mr. Idaki Shin and his specially served coffee. They greatly encouraged me to realize my dreams. One by one but steadily and seamlessly I would pave a way for realizing our concert at Mt. Gojo this coming autumn. My life was full of hope and surrounded by the aroma of a spring dream.