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12 Mar. 2010

From my home land to Tokyo


The day I climbed up to the top of Mt. Gojo was provided with a lovely day, and we could film wonderful views though it was very cold. I was extremely grateful feeling the presence of a Great Being that had arranged the wonderful day. Arrival day was cloudy and today was snowing from time to time so our local guide joyfully told me that we were very lucky on the filming day. Everybody acknowledged how we had a great time during this short trip and we departed from the great Chinese continent. I said within my heart a farewell to the Mother Land. I always felt comfortable to be there as it echoed to the dynamic rhythm of my internality that was full of vigor to move forwards. During this trip I made up my mind to try my best to hold our concert at Mt. Gojo by this autumn though there remained many things to do. I realized that my dream of Mt. Gojo has started to become a reality as I wished all my fellows to manifest their own true nature in this world shining brilliantly from the core of life and to get together there. Whatever might happen, I was fully animated to go on and overcome difficulties to realize my dream. I felt I could do anything as long as I could come back to my home land from time to time. I used to tell my staff that I would remain vigorous if only I could visit Koguryo’s home ground just once a year. Therefore I would do everything to realize my dream of Mt. Gojo and share the moment of truth with all my fellows. I came back to Japan with a great hope for our future. The state of my life became quite different now, after this visit.