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11 Mar. 2010

Mt. Gojo

For me snow covered Mt.Gojo was identical to the life of king Tomei himself. As I walked along he joined me and talked to me smilingly. No one could find a single reason to resist if one was asked to join him and work together. I had a slightest doubt whether I was dignified enough to do so or not. With great pleasure I would dedicate myself completely to building a good country so that people could live a happy and rich life. My ancestor’s original land was indeed dynamic and looked like a Heavenly place. At Mt. Gojo, I realized that in order for my ancestors to live on there was no other way but to connect themselves to the world far beyond Heaven. I envisioned that king Tomei was walking towards us on the top of a fortification wall that has been standing since two thousand years ago. It was preserving vivid breaths of ancient people that made me realize their noble spirituality. I felt as if I went back to two thousands years ago in the middle of snow covered Mt. Gojo and realized with a wordless deep impression that I came here to see the father of Koguryo and to renew my life.

At Mt. Gojo
An endless world far beyond visible space,
Koguryo was built as a country that
Manifested primordial light of origin.
Everything started from here.
The same winds were blowing in my life,
Telling me the life of king Tomei,
The father.
Irresistible sadness was residing in his heart,
However there was no way to live on
But to keep on creating a glorious future.