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10 Mar. 2010

At Mt. Gojo


We arrived at Mt. Gojo. It was covered with snow and the surfaces of rivers were frozen. As today was the first day that I started Idaki activities twenty seven years ago, I was extremely moved to be at Mt. Gojo where Koguryo was built two thousands years ago and named the new city ‘a heavenly tree growing towards the universe’, which was identical to the meaning of Idaki. My soul trembled at my destiny.

The land of king Tomei
Cherishing in his heart the entire world and universe
He lived an authentic life true to the eternal spirituality of Koguryo.
Kings of Koguryo have envisioned the world far beyond Heaven.
Now that the world three stages before the big Bang was wide open before us,
I was creating a new world that would allow every people to live on shining brilliantly from the core of life.
The long human history that had sacrificed people’s lives was over.
We had to wait till the arrival of this historic moment to realize the most desired dreams of humankind.
Together with souls of my ancestors I was determined to realize the moment of truth that would resurrect every people’s souls.
Now I could meet the father of Koguryo
I was extremely grateful to my life.