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3 Mar. 2010

In Kyoto


The presence of something great that looked like sleeping within my life
It would wake up when the time of truth would come and serve people in the future.
Having met Mr. Idaki Shin, my ancestor’s history of Koguryo was clarified.
Souls of people who lived for their descendants were eternal.
I was guided to the land of Yasaka
And provided with the extreme joy of expressing the heart of Koma.
At any time, one shall remain beautiful and live a rich and free life
As our heart shall shine brilliantly in eternity.

Today there was the precious Idaki counseling course in Kyoto and I learned the meaning of understanding true history. He talked about a young king of Koguryo, king Kotai who had rapidly expanded the territory and situations of Asia at that time. My mind became wide open as his story made a lot of sense to me. I was greatly encouraged as I acknowledged hidden potentials within my life that have been waiting for the moment of manifestation. The truth of history clarified by Mr. Idaki Shin created in my life vigor to live on towards the future. At the time of wars in an ancient period, people’s life was very difficult, however, I greatly appreciated those who endeavored at the risk of their lives to create a new world for everyone to live a happy life. My heart trembled and I sincerely wished to see them from the bottom of my heart. In this respect, I would remain truthful to them as I knew the presence of souls living together with me transcending time and space. I swore to realize peace all over the world and achieve one after another.