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27 Feb. 2010

A pleasant moment at Café Akira


I enjoyed a lunch at Café Akira after some time of absence. How to make Arab bread was taught by a chef of the Lebanese ambassador’s residence, and its sandwich tasted wonderful. I was very satisfied with our special coffee. In front of my seat, there was a photo panel of the great pyramid of Koguryo’s general, Shogunzuka. I felt as if I were in a land of Koguryo. Handmade display wears also looked very beautiful and the music by Mr. Idaki Shin was very impressive. Everything made me come up with many new ideas. It was indeed a creative space. After the lunch I went to the atelier of Turkish people I had met the other day. It looked like my office in Kyoto as all the tables, chairs, etc. were painted in a lovely manner with artistic drawings. The space also inspired me very much. So I went to the Skyrocket center and joyfully created new mind-scape art works. At night there was a salon gathering at the Café Akira, and we had a great time and even laughed to shed tears. I was grateful to a wonderful day.