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26 Feb. 2010

Diplomatic activities


Today I was invited to a lunch at the residence by Mr. Ambassador of Lebanon. While many people said that it was the best place to have Lebanese food, I always enjoyed it and recalled many beautiful things of the homeland of my heart, Lebanon. At the same time endless conflicts and ongoing wars at many places in the world made me sad. I wished from the bottom of my heart to rapidly expand my activities for global peace as I was provided with the practical solution and way for realizing this. When a person’s internality were filled with energy of peace, then the circumstances around would become peaceful. A diplomat and a staff member from the embassy of the United States were also invited and we mutually acknowledged that every individual could get along very well with every other irrespective of nationality, while at the level of politics and countries, to every human’s great sadness, conflicts have never stopped destroying people’s precious lives. I recalled with a great impression that the representative of the embassy of Pakistan in Japan had once told me that ordinary people all over the world were wishing everybody to live a happy and healthy life and no more than this. The source of human life was indeed one and love. The concert activities by Mr. Idaki Shin made audiences acknowledge this at the core of one’s life. This was a great hope for realizing peace and I was motivated to organize more opportunities for sharing this experience more rapidly than before with as many people as possible all over the world.