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24 Feb. 2010

Unified with surrounding space


The fair exhibition of mind-scape curtains held on the second floor of the Skyrocket center ended successfully and many people enjoyed and smiled at the world of flowers of light. I would like to express my sincere gratitude to everybody who appreciated the fair. To my joy, as I selected a color of textile suitable for a visitor, I envisioned the fusion of a person’s light of life with the light of my art work, and then, it became a center of the space and spread all over. Everybody was greatly impressed by this. After the fair I brought more Komasui art pieces and they were numerous. I put water in some of them and made flower arrangements. The beauty of light coming out of Komasui was exquisite. It was an extremely attractive light beyond this world mingling light with the spectrum of water. I held my breath many times. At home I put a flower vessel and some Komasui chai cups on a table and they manifested a lovely world. I raised my voice with cheers and felt a great happiness as I knew a person would be provided with good luck when one was living a truly rich and happy life at heart. I wished everybody would realize this new world and start living a rich life as a happy human being.