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10 Feb. 2010

Komasui, the heart waiting for the arrival of spring


On the second floor of the Koma gallery Café at Yasaka in Kyoto, one hundred and thirty Komasui art works were installed all together. They looked magnificent. Everybody raised a voice of joy as it manifested a completely new world born out of the encounter of water with light. On acknowledging our hope for the future, my pure heart was touched by a gust of wind of Koguryo that told me of the presence of numerous souls of my ancestor who had lived here in ancient times and were working together with us to open up a new world. As I felt this wind, my soul trembled and I could express nothing but my deep gratitude. Every instance lacked nothing. Authentic love, joy, hope and our future were all here as the world of eternity was manifested. Like a seamless springtide of water from a land, I realized buds of new human life and their breathings. Before opening the Komasui fair exhibition, I made flower arrangements with some Komasui vessels that created extremely beautiful new art pieces out of the fusion of flowers and Komasui. They made everybody greatly impressed and acknowledge them as flowers of joy and the arrival of authentic spring. All of a sudden I noticed that a white light had visited us and as I looked outside, it was snowing. A large blue sky was seen among white snow falls. I felt we were blessed by Heaven. Now we were ready to receive guests. One hundred and thirty Komasui pieces were like one hundred and thirty persons. Though they were numerous, each addressed me as I talked to them. Everybody was smiling. The Koma gallery Café enjoyed a lovely afternoon full of brilliant light. From time to time an historic and gentle wind blew down from the Yasaka tower together that nursed every tree leaf and carried voices of joyful souls that could be heard if one would concentrate on one’s internality. They had long waited for the arrival of this glorious moment. I had drawn in some Komasui a heart waiting for spring and as I installed them at the gallery, I realized that what I had expressed was a heart wishing for the arrival of true spring in human history. This made me realize the meaning of holding this fair exhibition in Kyoto, while I felt obliged to many visitors who came all the way from Tokyo. I had envisioned that something new would happen in Kyoto by holding the Komasui fair here. Historic winds were blowing around. Today’s snow fall should be a holy blessing by Heaven while Mr. Idaki Shin served special coffee that purified people from within and also hand made rice cake, Zenzai, that was designed to give people a lot of luck. To my great joy and surprise this made its debut today. I wished to share the beautiful world of Komasui with as many people as possible and I was looking forward to receiving everybody here from the bottom of my heart.