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9 Feb. 2010


White and red plum blossoms were shining and greatly impressed me when I was on the way to the Idaki Shin concert. The message of tonight’s concert started with a word, “dawn” that coincided with the light-scape of my internality that I had envisioned last night. I realized that our future was glorious. I was filled with hope by listening to the concert. I felt that Mr. Idaki Shin has played a cradlesong for every human being. I was filled with human warmth and realized the happiness of being alive in a space where each person was equally cherished and satisfied at heart. In my life there were sounds of Mother Earth of Koguryo, its winds and aroma of melting snow. I felt as if I were in Mt. Gojo and a marvelous cosmic tree was firmly standing towards Heaven at the core of my life. As light of the internality of my life mingled with that of surrounding space, the true and original light of my life was manifested and I shed tears out of great gratitude and joy of being alive, while my mind-scape tapestry in blue that I had installed at the lobby was also shining marvelously expressing the fusion of light and water. After the concert, it was snowing. Its brilliant mixture of light and white snow made everybody cheer. It was indeed a beautiful night. The incredibly beautiful sound of the piano was far beyond human imagination and anything in this actual world. I realized that my life has received a fill of light coming from far beyond the universe. I was amazed at this extraordinary experience and felt grateful for being alive. The Komasui art works that I have created recently for the exhibition fair at Kyoto have also received the marvelous light at tonight’s concert and should look more beautiful than before as they express a light-scape of the unity of water and holy light. They were looking forward to meeting you in Kyoto.