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3 Feb. 2010

Yasaka “Koma”


From the inner garden of the Koma gallery Café, a magnificent tower of Yasaka was seen standing towards a pure blue sky and I felt quite at home. The beautiful Koma calligraphy also welcomed me. I realized a gentle life that was unified with this nursing space. A new world has indeed started to manifest itself for every human being to live on. Today I hand made sablé that I named Mt. Gojo sablé. While making it I was extremely happy as I felt winds blowing from an ancient city of Koguryo. I was filled with hope for my future. I recalled the feeling I had when I was climbing Mt. Gojo and went up nine hundred and ninety nine steps over a steep cliff. Once I reached the top, all the endeavors were rewarded. However as I did not practice mountain climbing, it was a big challenge. There was a similarity between making a sablé and taking the pain of climbing nine hundred and ninety nine steps. Once finished, I rejoiced at achieving something. Therefore I said to myself that I might feel like calling this a Mt. Gojo sablé. I joyfully made a big Komasui glass ware with a mind-scape drawing and filled it with Mt. Gojo sablés. I was happy to see that one hand-made thing had a rich story with hope for a glorious future: a process of creating a good society for everyone to live a happy life.


Touched by a breeze of Koguryo
I anticipated a beautiful world that should be realized in the future.
Every moment was full of newly born joy and gratitude at being alive.
One step after another, I was paving a way for a beautiful future.
An ancient city of my ancestor was filled with an exquisite aroma that made
New ideas, inspirations and encounters happen to me.
I was touched by the souls of people who were true to their deepest wishes and have dedicated their lives to realizing a good society for coming generations.
Now I was greatly encouraged to create a new era of human history for everyone to live on.