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23 Jan 2010

Sound of the piano that deeply touched my heart

Today was the second day of the Idaki counseling courses, and I suffered a lot receiving negative influences from participants. Mr. Idaki Shin played the piano and its gentle sound deeply touched the core of my heart and I was saved. His music seemed to express demands of life and manifest a new bearing for the future. I was totally refreshed and renewed my life. Then I could verbalize all the historic influences inherited by each participant’s life. It was like travelling through enormous time-space that finally illuminated the true self. No one could encounter this miraculous event in one’s life without our counseling courses. Even invisible nuances and tiny influences within one’s heart were fully expressed and each would start regaining the original sensitivity of life. This was indeed a precious moment in one’s life. Acknowledging the mechanism of historic influences that determined a person’s life and being liberated from them through our courses was the only way to realize one’s true self. The world of light was wide open to us and each person would shine brilliantly.