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12  Jan 2009

Envisioned new world and life

Pure white snow was dancing over the land of Aomori and I felt that its lovely light reflected the world three stages before the Big Bang. Everything in nature seemed to tell people about it. When I acknowledged this I was filled with happiness while the worsening situation in Gaza had put me into deep grievance. Palestinian people said they would stay with their family whatever might happen as they preferred to share death as well as life. I realized that one can overcome any difficult situation by tuning oneself to the world three stages before the Big Bang, the world of purity and light. As I have been expressing in my Legends of Koguryo Rediscovered concert, the innermost wishes of people shall be eternal and a person’s inner condition determined outer circumstances. So by acknowledging this new world, one could go to a higher dimension of the world and give a fundamental solution; a terrible pain in my heart could immediately became a mere tiny incident by making this leap. Owing to the Idaki counseling courses our lives were liberated from negative influences of past history, so we could contribute to world peace by living our lives true to this newly manifested world.

A Palestinian hand made textile work shows the 
Heart of Palestinian people 
A heart of a mother and lovely ladies.
Delicately selected strings advance
sewing hands to shape an exquisitely beautiful work.
It should be an act of manifesting their internal divinity.
They live their exiled life to bring up their children.
Even at their refugee camp the new world is wide open
With brilliant stars in the sky.  

Shining moon and stars

In the largeness there are a shining moon and stars that seemed to tell people a new way of life. May people’s lives start shining as well. Meanwhile, unsupportable tragedies are hitting the world. Mr. Ghazi sent me a letter about it and I was encouraged to keep on manifesting the newly manifested world where people’s lives should shine brilliantly. I envisioned the internality of my life and its mind-scape was filled with energy to change the actual situation of the world. I might call it the same huge power as was exercised by Moses. I recalled that my most favorite historic figure was Moses. Having renewed my life last year through a number of precious experiences, commemorating as well the 25th anniversary of Idaki activities, I will pave the way for the realization of global peace together with every power coming to work together.   

Anywhere in the world
In Japan and in the middle east
New light and a new world were manifested.
Sacred light provided to every human being
Transcending time and space.
To this new light 
I remain grateful.